Are you a student currently studying A-levels, or looking to choose them in the near future? Read below for tips and guidance!
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What are A-levels?
A-levels, short for Advanced Level qualifications, are a widely recognized and highly regarded educational program typically taken by students in the United Kingdom (UK) and some other countries. They are usually studied in the final two years of secondary education, typically between the ages of 16 and 18.
A-levels offer students the opportunity to specialize in specific subjects of their choice. Students typically choose three or four subjects to study, although this may vary depending on the educational institution. The subjects available can be diverse, covering areas such as sciences, humanities, social sciences, languages, and arts.
How are A-levels graded?
The A-level grading system is based on a letter grade scale in the UK. Here's an overview of the A-level grading system:
A* (pronounced "A-star"): The highest grade achievable, demonstrating exceptional performance.
A: Excellent performance, indicating a strong understanding of the subject.
B: Very good performance, showing a solid grasp of the subject.
C: Good performance, representing a satisfactory level of understanding.
D: Fair performance, indicating a basic understanding of the subject.
E: Marginal performance, showing a limited understanding of the subject.
U: Ungraded, indicating that the student did not meet the minimum requirements to receive a grade.
What are the benefits of studying A-level?
A-levels provide students with a variety of advantages, such as a solid academic foundation for further education, the chance to focus on interest-specific areas, and flexibility in planning their course of study. Transferable abilities like critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent research are developed in A-levels, improving both prospects for entrance to universities and future employment opportunities. These widely respected credentials encourage intellectual vigour, intellectual curiosity, and a love of lifelong study. A-levels provide students with a strong foundation for success in higher education and a variety of career pathways thanks to their academic rigour and global renown.
Resources for revision
Websites to help
Maths / Maths and Further Maths
Chemistry / Chemrevise / Chemguide
Computer Science topic-by-topic
All subjects / Seneca Learning / Save My Exams
YouTube channels to help
Chemistry- Allery Chemistry and Eliot Rintoul
Past papers
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths ​
Textbooks (depend on exam board)
CGP range for Bio, Chem, Phys, and Maths- exam practice workbooks