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The power of probiotics

17/02/25, 14:45

Last updated:

18/08/23, 19:58


Unlocking the secrets to gut health

What are probiotics?


Probiotics are dietary supplements that consist of live cultures of bacteria or yeast. In the human body, more precisely in the microbiome, there are about 4 trillion bacteria, which include almost 450 species. These bacteria are necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body, especially the intestines and digestive system. In probiotics, bacteria from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium families are most often used, as well as yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


How probiotics work?


Probiotics have a wide range of effects on our body. Their main task is to strengthen immunity and improve the condition of the digestive tract. This is because microorganisms produce natural antibodies, and also constitute a kind of protective barrier that does not allow factors conducive to infection to our intestine.


Types of probiotics


Most often, lactic acid bacteria of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are used as probiotics, but some species of Escherichia and Bacillus bacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardi also have pro-health properties.


Probiotics for your gut health


The composition of our bacterial flora in the intestines determines the proper functioning of the digestive and immune systems. Probiotics have a positive effect primarily on the intestinal flora. They speed up metabolism and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Live cultures of bacteria protect our digestive system. They improve digestion, regulate intestinal peristalsis, and prevent diarrhoea.


They also increase the nutritional value of products - they facilitate the absorption of minerals such as magnesium and iron as well as vitamins from group B and K.


In addition, probiotics strengthen immunity and protect us from infections caused by pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to take as many probiotics as possible during and after antibiotic treatment. They will then regenerate the intestinal flora damaged by antibiotic therapy and reduce inflammation.


Main benefits:


·       facilitate the digestive process

·       increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals

·       during antibiotic treatments, they protect our intestinal microflora

·       affect the immune system by increasing resistance to infections

·       some strains have anti-allergic and anti-cancer properties

·       lower cholesterol

·       relieve the symptoms of lactose intolerance

·       ability to synthesize some B vitamins, vitamin K, folic acid

Written by Aleksandra Zurowska

Related articles: The gut microbiome / Vitamins / Interplay of hormones and microbiome

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