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Image by engin akyurt

Outline of an investigation of the period of a single pendulum, and its relation to gravity


For this experiment, the gravitational acceleration was calculated by measuring the time period of a simple pendulum using three different experimental methods; methods 2 and 3 were more similar than method 1. 


This experiment is primarily for data analysis of the measurements taken of a simple pendulum oscillating freely to determine the acceleration due to gravity.

This experiment can be repeated but can be carried out in different viscous liquids to see how the extra damping force affects the time period of the oscillation and calculate the g value from it. This can be useful to know as then making pendulum watches to work, say in different environments (such as under water), will be easier to make. It has future implications in industries and/ or technologies that produce related devices. 


Overall, this experiment was flawed from the beginning from not correctly applying the small angle criteria (in methods 2 and 3). However, there was success for method 1. 


(Reduced from a full lab report)


By Siam Sama 



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