Last updated: 14/11/24
Published: 14/06/23
Pre-diabetes is the period before the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus; when the level of blood sugar rises above the normal level but it is not high enough to considered as diabetes. The blood sugar level ranges between 100 and 125mg/dl in pre-diabetes.
Causes of pre-diabetes:
Family history
Genetic history
Lack of physical activity
High calories diet
Sign and symptoms:
Pre-diabetes does not have any sign and symptoms. Though some of these symptoms may appear:
Increase thirst
Frequent urination
Increased appetite
Frequent infections
In medical science, ‘prevention is better than cure’. So, pre-diabetes is one of the most preventable diseases. There are several ways to prevent diabetes such as dietary intervention, physical activities and lifestyle modifications. A low carbohydrate diet focuses on protein and non-starchy food. Low carbohydrate diets help in reducing weight; if patients have diabetes already, then it will help to lower medication dose and reducing morbidity overall.
Low carbohydrate diets are sometimes recommended to individuals who are being treated for diabetes. These diets can be safe and effective in helping people with type 2 diabetes to manage their weight, blood glucose level, and risk of heart disease in the short term.
A healthy, balanced meal.
Overall, medium-low carbohydrate diets (30%) are effective and sustainable in the long term for most people. As well as reducing your overall carbohydrate intake, replace refined carbohydrate (e.g. white bread and white rice) with high fibre, and complex carbohydrates (e.g. oats and sweet potato) where possible. Reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods (e.g. biscuits and cakes) will also help you avoid refined carbohydrates and reduce sweet cravings. When adapting to a new way of eating, it can be tricky to know how your plate should look. Above is a plate which is an example of how your plate might look, depending on whether you are including complex carbohydrates.
Altogether, low carbohydrate diets are helpful for prediabetic or diabetic individuals to maintain their sugar level and ultimately reduce the incidence rate of diabetes globally.
Written by Chhaya Dhedi
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